In Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the vampire is a Romanian count—one who has a varied history of fighting against Turks and terrorizing Transylvanian villagers—who now wishes to reside in the slightly more populated area of (say) London . He lives in a castle, he has piles of gold (won over centuries of conflict) in his library, and he is polite, well-mannered, and probably speaks the most impeccable English in the entire novel.

So who ends up killing him? A ragtag team of rising middle-class heroes: a doctor who works at an asylum, a lawyer who is struggling with his first days on the job, a newlywed wife who can type and write in shorthand, and more. The Victorian period in England consolidated the rise of middle-class values, of the nuclear family, of Protestant work ethic—and so in one sense, it’s about middle-class people outsmarting this rich usurper who thinks he can live off the lifeforce of other people.
Of course, this thread of the aristocratic culture being the interesting polish on a villain shows up in plenty of monsters: Hannibal Lecter, British Bond villains (because for America , England is as weird and uncanny as Transylvania , apparently), and those creepy vampires of the 20th-century.
What’s weird about Twilight, then, is that in order to humanize the vampires, Meyer makes them into respectable middle-class citizens. They don’t live in a castle, they live in a development home; they don’t travel the world on century-old gold, they settle down in a town called Forks (voted “The Worst Place Name for a Gothic Novel Ever”) and work at the local hospital.
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